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Public Notices
Stuart Mair tops Ross winter stableford
Dan's the man in club's stableford trophy qualifier
Juniors' master strokes celebrated at awards night
Steve chips in for '3 Clubs and Putter' victory
Golfing vets freeze out 'youngsters' in Winter League
Bill's strokes of genius land festive cup
Sharpe cuts through field to take opening winter stableford
Captains set for £10k charity bonanza
Lois leads way in 3 clubs and putter
Kerry and Hannah show golf club ladies the way
Christine and Tony prove perfect couple on the course
Tim proves a big hit after golfing return
Cam high fives it with fifth men's title title
Harvey proves course wizard to land Wildsmith Salver
Bill proves a big hit in two sports
Marshall makes it back-to-back Senior titles
Zach's strokes of genius land Welsh PGA title
Father and son pull off President's Prizes Day masterstroke
Golfing duo pull off master stroke to land Curtis Shield
Ace for seven-year-old golf star
New duo wins Patrick Curtis Shield
Norton leads Ross seniors' season
Leo's strokes of genius land county title
Champagne feeling for championship winners Emma and Julie
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