DESPITE the dreadful weather, and due to the excellent work carried out by the groundstaff, the South Herefordshire Golf Club ladies were able to complete their winter competitions, reports SUE WILSON.

The singles knockout competition at the Upton Bishop course was won by Jo Spiers, with Debbie Griffiths taking the runner-up spot.

The pairs competition was won by Jo Spiers and Becky Summers, with the runners up Mary Sullivan and Julie Davies.

And Jo Spiers scored a hat-trick also taking the Skip David competition.

This event is usually held on the Par 3 course, but on this occasion it was played on the front nine holes of the main course.

The ladies section also keep a record of how many pars and birdies are achieved during the season.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Jo Spiers had the most birdies with Julie Davies coming top of the par tree.

Well done to everyone taking part, and in particular to Jo for having such a successful winter season.

Meanwhile, the ladies have started their matches fantasticially in the Severn Vale League, winning all three games.

On song were Jo Spiers, Catriona Brown, Becky Summers, Julie Davies, Debbie Griffiths and Mary Sullivan.

Meanwhile, at the Ross Golf Club, Nick Day of Henry GC won the 2024 Farr Scratch Cup Champion over the Bank Holiday weekend.

Nick Day won the Scratch Cup with a flawless display
Nick Day won the Farr Scratch Cup with a flawless display. photo: Ross GC (Ross GC)

With a 68 in the afternoon, Nick’s flawless six-under par display was good enough to blow the field away and win by four shots from Ryan Nedra and Matt Bell.

Ross GC posted: “What a performance and it’s win no3 in the Duchess Salver series of events for Nick..!

“Huge thanks to all the helpers that made the day so successful.”