AFTER a serious operation in 2023, Rotary district governor Drewe Lacey and former Ross-on-Wye town mayor, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, was inspired to walk the entire length of the River Wye to raise funds for charity.

In order to raise both awareness of Sarcoma Cancer and to raise funds for research into that form of cancer, Drewe was inspired to walk the entire Wye Valley Walk over a period of 10 days.

At the same time Drewe wished to highlight the role that Rotary has been playing for the last three years supporting organisations like Friends of the River Wye and the Wye Usk Foundation in their efforts to restore the River Wye to its former glory and to use 50 per cent of the funds raised to support environmental initiatives.

Sarcoma Cancer (GIST Cancer UK) is one of a number of lesser-known cancers that are, together, now responsible for the majority of cancer deaths in the UK.

This would be a challenge for a young, healthy person, never mind a 78-year-old still receiving treatment for cancer. He set about beginning his Source of Life Walk by starting from the Welsh mountains at Plynlimon.

As Drewe and his entourage arrived at the Hope and Anchor in Ross he was welcomed by the current Mayor of Ross, Cllr Bev Pope.

Having set out from the source of the River Wye, Drewe and his daughter Harriett covered 101miles and climbed 8,840 feet of ascents by day eight as they arrived in Ross.

Drew having raised 94 per cent of his target of £8,000, he still had three days of walking to do to complete the task including the particularly arduous Ross to Kerne Bridge section over Penyard and Howle Hill which was completed that afternoon.

Drewe and Harriett were joined along the route by other members of his family, and Rotary members in different sections of the walk.

Drew, who was mayor of Ross during 1985/6, said: “You would have thought this walk would have been mostly downhill, but by day eight, when I arrived in Ross I had completed over 8,000 feet in ascents. However, my legs are holding up well.

“While I’ve taken the walk steadily, I didn’t take it on lightly. The side effects of the drugs I am on upset my internal organs and it makes me fatigued. So, I entrusted the help of my former fitness trainer who helped me develop the strength in my core muscles again as I set about training for the walk.

“But to undertake a task such as this, I had not only prepare myself with work in the gym, but go on a series of longish walks to build up my overall strength. I wasn’t going to take walking for granted.

“When I was mayor of Ross, I used to live in Wye Street, and my civic legacy was getting the blue plaque scheme started to honour the town’s people who had made a name for themselves.

“Crossing the county borders, I felt as if I was coming home when I entered the outskirts of Ross in the Wye Valley heading towards the Welsh section a few miles downriver. “

On leaving Ross, Drewe headed towards Chepstow Castle, where he completed his Source of Life walk on Saturday morning.

If you would like to donate, please go to and click on the donate button to be taken to Drewe’s Just Giving Page.  

● The Source of Life is a Rotary project raising funds to fight pollution in the River Wye and Sarcoma Cancer GIST Cancer UK with 50 per cent of funds raised will support environmental charities in the Wye Valley, and 50 per cent will support GIST Cancer UK.