A LOCAL woman has recorded a song about the demise of the water quality of the River Wye.

Jules Palliser explains that she returned to Herefordshire after many years away in Kent to be near her favourite rivers again.

Jules said: “Swimming in the sea and natural water has been a life-long joy - until four years ago, when I first noticed the freakish, yellow hues in areas of the River Wye and the River Monnow, especially on warm, sunny days.

“I later heard about 'algal bloom' and its relationship with pollution, sewage and the poultry industry - the latter, given permission to produce millions of intensely reared chickens on farms parallel to the River Wye. 

“It is alleged that these corporations have allowed tons of faecal waste onto the land which has tragically leached into the river causing much of the pollution, secondly with excessive house-building and its sewage.

“It’s hard to imagine that these sorts of practices could be passed by any responsible council or environmental agency.

“We are all custodians of this land and we have a duty to ensure that we do things right. The river needs us, to return it to its former glory where I long to swim again without fear of the polluted soup passing my lips.

“I’ve composed a song, ‘River Wye Lament', recorded at the Berry Hill Studio in Coleford. The ‘Yellow Tide’ is a vision of the river’s future. Until we all speak out and the law holds accountable those responsible - join the brilliant campaigns. We can all do something, no matter how small.

The River Wye Lament can be heard here: https://youtu.be/oY14mEUCDIQ?si=ob_N5jtlbIc3G-fK