ROB Green, a Ross-on-Wye resident is urgently seeking the community’s support to save his family’s cherished cat, Rolo, after she was struck by a car.

Rolo sustained severe nerve damage and now requires the amputation of her front leg and shoulder. Additionally, she needs an MRI and X-ray to check for any internal injuries.

The family has already covered as much of the medical expenses as they can, but the rising costs have become overwhelming. Without additional financial support, they worry they might have to consider the difficult decision of saying goodbye to Rolo.

Rob outlined the important role Rolo has within the family dynamic, adding: “Rolo is such a character. When we take the dogs on mile-long walks, she would walk along with us, there and back. Every night, she sleeps on the kids’ beds, and they are absolutely devastated by what has happened,”

Despite their best efforts, the family’s funds are running low. They are appealing to the community for donations, no matter how small, to help cover the cost of Rolo’s surgery and recovery. Every contribution will go directly towards Rolo’s medical bills.

Mr Green has also promised that any leftover funds after Rolo’s treatment will be donated to Cats Protection or a local animal charity. Donations can be made through the family’s go fund me page.