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Forest of Dean emergency chemist rota - Sunday, March 23
Champion rally couple start defence with close second
Volunteer at Perrygrove Railway in Forest of Dean
Forest of Dean emergency chemist rota - Sunday, March 2
Police stinger stops car after 100mph chase
Stolen power tools recovered in woods following burglary
The weather for the week ahead with Jonathan Powell
Man jailed for nine years for stabbing death
Top doctor awarded OBE in New Year honours
New mum recalls horror deer crash
MP tours Lucozade and Ribena factory
Olly all set for new album and tour
Local weather for the week ahead with Jonathan Powell
Cambrian win seals couple's second rally crown
Weather for the week ahead with Jonathan Powell
Forest council to review polling districts, places and stations
Last chance’ for council to get £9m leisure centre plans right
Simmons and Friend take Trackrod Yorkshire Rally
Packed Heritage Open Days coming to the Forest
Weather for the week ahead where you live
Coleford woman co-authors new book
Jewellery tops the lots at Smiths August sale
What's going on this weekend!
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