THE Register of Members of Parliament’s Financial Interests have recently been revealed.

Constituency MPs are able to have external employment and receive donations outside of their parliamentary salary, provided these interests are reported.

The first register of the new parliament, published earlier this month, shows that Jesse Norman, Conservative MP for South Herefordshire, who has served his constituency since 2010, had shareholdings of more than £70,000 in Genie International Toys – a toy design and manufacturing business that was founded by his brother, Casey Norman.

Mr Norman’s other reported financial interests were royalties and advances on books and other publications.

Kevin McCloud, the presenter of the Grand Designs TV programme, backed North Herefordshire MP Dr Ellie Chowns’ Green Party general election campaign with a donation £5,000.

The newly published interests also state that Dr Chowns received a final salary payment of £974.67 for her work as a councillor for Herefordshire Council. The document added that she would no longer be accepting the allowance, and the amount would be repaid.

“I am continuing in my role as a ward councillor, without accepting the allowance, until September, because no one wants a by-election in August, but I will then be resigning,” Dr Chown said.

The Register of Members Financial Interests was set up to record MP’s external income that might reasonably be considered to influence what they do or say.