Herefordshire Heartstart recently held its annual training event for volunteers.
This year they were delighted to welcome their Patron, Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant, The Dowager Countess of Darnley who spoke with the volunteers and thanked them for all they do. Volunteers were given the opportunity to update their familiarity with the Heartstart Course by recognising new elements to the training DVD; improving their knowledge and understanding of cardiac arrests including the role of the defibrillator (or AED); and evaluating new training resources available to the charity that might improve CPR training.
Since the charity started in 1996 it has trained, or retrained over 24,000 people local people. The more members of the public that are trained in basic life support skills the more chance there is of your friend, family or colleague surviving a life threatening event. You are more likely to survive an out of hospital cardiac arrest if given bystander CPR.
Herefordshire Heartstart runs free courses all year round, they last two hours and equip you with the knowledge that empowers you to be able to do something that could lead to the saving of a life.
Further information about attending courses, becoming a volunteer or organising a course can be found at email [email protected] or call the course co-ordinator, Sarah Grimes, on 0845 6060 654.