A MAN was left horrified after allegedly finding a piece of plastic in a pasty bought from Aldi.

Anthony Jenkins, from Weston under Penyard told the Ross Gazette that he bought a pasty from deli counter at the Aldi store in the town last Wednesday.

He said: “I took one bite out of it while I was still in town, but it didn’t feel right. I immediately spat it out as what I bit on was hard.

“I have to be extra careful in what I eat, so it doesn’t scar my stomach ulcers. But when I saw the pasty, I was shocked to see such a big shard of blue plastic sticking out of it.

“I saw that the piece of plastic had a massive prong, which on closer inspection wrapped around within the product and was three to four inches long.

“I immediately went back to the store and showed the general manager. She took my details and said that somebody from Aldi would get back to me.

“The following day I drove to the Herefordshire Council office with physical prints of my pasty and tried to hand them over in person to a representative from Trading Standards, but this was not possible. I had to leave my details and wait for them to contact me.

“I felt disappointed because of the urgency of the situation because I felt the product should have been recalled.

“I’ve since reflected that had I put the pasty to warm up in the microwave the piece of plastic might have melted and left some toxicity within the product. I’ve had some bad food over time, but this the worst.”

Mr Jenkins further explained that he received a call from an environment health officer at the local authority who said that without the original food item, and its packaging there was little that could be done.

A Herefordshire Council spokesperson said: “We take such reports very seriously, and have been in touch with the complainant to request further evidence. We will continue to look into the matter.”

A spokesperson for Aldi, which initially offered Mr Jenkins £10 in compensation, said: “We’re sorry that this product didn’t meet our usual high standards and have offered Mr Jenkins a full refund while we look into it further.”