LOCAL photography enthusiasts have taken part an open theme competition allowing the members of Ross Photo Club to submit prints on a subject of their choice.

Submissions were taken on digital cameras and smartphones and, with over 45 entries, the judge, David Straker, from the Abergavenny Camera Club, gave fair and constructive feedback on all entries both for the colour section and the mono section.

Ross Photo Club meets on Wednesday evenings at Walford Village Hall from 7.30pm. There are free tester sessions for new members. Beginners and accomplished photographers are all welcome. Just go to the website rossphotoclub.org for more information.

The winners of the colour photograph were: Winner; Paul Dowgill’s picture of Rowan, Glencoe; runner up was Gordon Hay’s Lunch Time and in third place Trevor Lane with his composition, From my point of view. Highly commended were Sandra Walding and Mike Webb while Darion Churchill and Barbara Nash were commended.

The winners of the mono section were: John Crowland’s Waiting; runner up was Allan Ockendon with his Steps; and in third place was Paul Dowgill with Anticipation. Highly commended were Gordon Hay and Jennie O’Brian while Tanya Carrington and Linda Thomas were commended.