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Environment News
Cross party support to reopen minor injury unit
Save the Wye campaigners on London march call for action
Police warn of men testing car doors in the Ross area
The Vampire-slaying actor who fought climate crisis as council leader
‘Eye in the Sky’ helps protect the environment
Locals rally for cleaner communities for Great British Spring Clean
Nutrient Mitigation Strategy paves way for 4,000 new houses
Herefordshire Council launches Home Energy Savers Initiative
Young eco-champions pilot environmental award programme
Wild about Ross: a message from the creatures in our gardens
Dymock Forest embraces coppicing comeback with collaboration
Making a wildlife-friendly garden in a new-build setting
New county chair of Herefordshire NFU elected
NFU Deputy urges Herefordshire farmers to prioritise food security
Wrapping paper: Creative crafts and responsible recycling
New wildlife signage to safeguard hedgehogs and small animals
Farm bid for football-sized waste lagoon near Wye tributary criticised
Vampire slaying actor tackles climate crisis as Forest Council leader
River Wye recovery conference builds farming and environmental bridges
Residents encouraged to have their say on garden waste collections
Serial Herefordshire fly tipper handed suspended prison sentence
Campaigners take Wye fight to Bath for 'Unite to Survive' protest
Binfluencer scores National Trust membership through LitterLotto
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