TWO teachers visited John Kyrle High School last week from its Ugandan link school, Kisiki College Namutumba.

Christine Isuka (history teacher) and Prisca Namwase (English teacher) have spent time with local students and staff in lessons and assemblies as well as meeting the sixth form students who will be spending a week at Kisiki College next month, as part of their Ugandan and Kenya adventure.

The visiting teachers have also been able to visit many of the high schools feeder primary schools - some of which have links with primary schools in Namutumba.

They have also enjoyed the hospitality of local churches and community groups in Ross-on-Wye.

This community link began over 30 years ago and has grown to become on the most enduring links between a UK and Ugandan town that has been of benefit to both communities.

Students this year have raised funds to provide medical resources (including mosquito nets) for the Namutumba Health Centre in addition to providing resources for Kisiki College that will help support teaching and learning in the school.

Since the link began, well over 350 John Kyrle High School students have travelled to Namutumba; this has increased their understanding of the global village, shaped their worldview and, for some, influenced their choice of careers.

Ms Isuka previously visited the school in 2014 and was able to observe the changes that have taken place as well as share with the school the many developments at Kisiki College.

They have grown in size with the student body now numbering well over 2,000 students. For Ms Namwase this was her first visit to the UK; however, she feels that she knows our community well as her father, James Mugenyi (one of the founders of the link) has visited Ross many times.

Both Christine and Prisca enjoyed answering questions from JKHS students, helping them understand the many similarities and differences between life between the two schools.