A POP-up beach could be one of the attractions in Ross-on-Wye to attract visitors to help regenerate the town.

Cllr Ed O’Driscoll told members of Ross Town Council at its recent meeting that officials from various bodies have been in Ross evaluating the way forward.

Meetings connected with the regeneration of the town have resumed this week with the area’s MP Jesse Norman being the chairman.

“This is a double reason why the town should be happy, as things are progressing,” said Cllr O’Driscoll.

Plans about the town’s recovery strategy have been circulated to Herefordshire Council and Visit Herefordshire about the range of activities planned for Ross over the summer months.

Cllr O’Driscoll said that as well as the provision of flags, bunting and hanging flower baskets there could be a pop-up beach for five to six days which would be combined with other attractions.

“The Market House will be formally opened later this year. Additionally, it’s the 300th anniversary of John Kyrle’s death which will be a lot of events marking this occasion,” said Cllr Driscoll.

“Other events include bringing in a gourmet food market during one of the bank holiday weekends next year.

“We are also investigating adding value to other events, by providing a stage for example at the pancake day races in February and bringing in musicians to entertain the crowds at this and other events. A Mayfair has been added to the calendar of events.”

The Ross Business Association has stated it would like to see the pop-up beach located in the centre of town.

The council heard that the marketing scheme to promote the town is now active and that only snagging issues remain following the repairs to the pavement and road surface in Broad Street and Brookend Street following the flooding in May.

The two roads will be completely resurfaced after the August bank holiday.