A TEENAGER from Ross-on-Wye is offering his gardening and odd-job skills in exchange for donations to his cause. 


Sixteen-year-old Charlie Bowden’s mother was diagnosed with bowel cancer five years ago. But following a major operation and several months of recovery, she was declared cancer-free in 2020. However, lingering hernia issues meant her full recovery was only achieved in the summer of 2023. 


Inspired by his mother’s battle, Charlie has been actively involved in charity work since he was young, with a particular focus on cancer-based organisations like World Cancer Research and Macmillan Cancer Support. 


Charlie is now preparing for his next challenge. He plans to climb Mount Kilimanjaro with his father this October in support of Macmillan. The seven-day trek aims to raise £12,000 for the charity, a goal that Charlie knows will be difficult to achieve. 


The teenager is now offering his services for garden work and other odd jobs to boost his fundraising figures. 


He is ready to put his strength and fitness to good use, Charlie said: “For those of you that know me, you'll know I'm fit, strong and hardworking. I can do any garden job you throw at me for a reasonable donation towards my cause in return.” 


His fundraiser can be found on Just Giving with donations welcome from all.