Despite the current monsoon weather, John Kyrle High School held its 33rd Annual Sports' Day during Thursday July 5th and Tuesday July 10th. In an Olympic year, each tutor group had adopted a nation competing in the Games and the main Sports' Day began with a procession of the different nations behind the Olympic torch carried by ex-John Kyrle student and torch carrier through Ross, Vanessa Brann. Throughout the competition, many long running school records were broken, there were some fantastic performances and all events were well supported by an appreciative crowd of students and parents. The inter-tutor group prizes were won by the following: Year 7 – 7J; Year 8 – 8H; Year 9 – 9R.

The Victrix ludorum went to the following: Year 7 –Lizzie Jeffryes; Year 8 – Holly Thomas; Year 9 – Amber Probyn.

The Victor ludorum went to the following: Year 7 – George Hayes; Year 8 – James Lodge; Year 9 – Luke Clarke.

Due to the weather it was impossible to run the Year 10 Sports day which has been rearranged for Thursday, July 19th.