This week in The Ross Parishes

Everyday 9am Zoom Morning Prayer


9am-11am Tea and Toast and Community Larder at St Mary’s Hall


8.45am-10.15am Toast and Toddle at St Mary’s

11.15am Ponder and Pray, by zoom. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month

11-12.30pm Craft @ St Mary’s, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month


10am Eucharist (BCP) also livestreamed

11.45am Thursday Prayer Group by zoom

This Sunday

November 20 8am BCP Communion Service at St Mary’s

9.30am Live-streamed Eucharist Service at St Mary’s

9.30am Parish Eucharist at Walford

Please check our website for details or contact the church office 01989 562175 [email protected]