Wendy Salter, a member of the Ross Community Litter Clean Up Crew, set herself a personal challenge to litter pick every street in her town during September. There are about 200 streets in Ross, of varying lengths.
Her mammoth task began on Saturday, September 1st at Wilton. Wendy told the Ross Gazette: “In the first three days of this marathon I’ve already met some fantastic people who care about their town. From the lady who sweeps her bit of street every day, to the couple who brought out a cup of tea, to the sixth form student who worked for hours beside me - thank you all and I hope to meet more people like this as I work through the town.”
So far Wendy has covered Wilton, Greytree, the JKHS area and the Riverview area.
I also joined her on Saturday, September 1st, to clean up Ross Skatepark. We collected a lot of rubbish, particularly cans and bottles, plastic containers and cigarette butts.
Wendy said:?“Every cigarette butt in the gutter is a little drop of poison going into our oceans. When it rains, the butt gets swept into the drain, it’s too small to get stopped by the filters and it flows with the storm water into streams and then to the river, ending up in the sea. The plastic then ends up inside the fish and the fish end up inside us! So the fag butts return.”
Wendy’s Facebook page ‘Love Your Street Ross’ will have the details each day of which streets she will be litter picking. Wendy’s next week of litter picking is as follows:
• Wednesday, September 5th - Brampton Ave to Brookfield Rd
• Thursday, September 6th - Old Market Close/Cawdor.
• Friday, September 7th - Edde Cross St and streets off it.
• Monday, September 10th - Overross area.
• Tuesday, September 11th - Arundel Close, to Tanyard Lane area.
Wendy hopes that residents of the streets she targets will come out to help her, and it may encourage more people to make their own street, or section of a longer street, cleaner.
For more information you can follow #loveyourstreetross or search @litterlady