LOCAL artists Tom and Laurie Cousins, with the help of community volunteers, are renewing the much-loved mural that runs beside the brook near the swimming pool and on into Trenchard Street.

The project, led by Ross-on-Wye Community Development Trust, has received a generous grant from Ross Town Council and has the backing of a private donor, but would welcome more funds to complete the restoration.

The artists are going to feature a range of River Wye creatures in their bright new painting: a kingfisher, a newt, two new ducks’ heads, bream, perch, a dragonfly and an otter.

All are up for adoption in return for a donation between £50 for a fish, or £100 for the dragonfly or otter! You could even have your name on it if you like. 

It’s first come, first served so to get the street-art creature of your choice head to the Community Development Trust’s website at rosscdt.org.uk/mural to look at the images, and then the donations page at cafdonate.cafonline.org/26782#!/DonationDetails

If you do not want to sponsor, donations of any amount, large or small, would be gratefully received on the same page.

This is your chance to make a visible and lasting difference to Ross, something we can all enjoy for many years as people walk past the mural, which has been standing proud for over a decade.