The Ross-on-Wye Men’s Shed (ROWMS) opened its doors in March and has since celebrated great success; welcoming fellow shedders and honoured guests to its official opening on Saturday, July 14th.

The Mayor of Ross-on-Wye, Cllr Harry Bramer and his Consort, Mrs Marie Ward also attended the official opening. Mayor Bramer told the Ross Gazette: “This is every man’s dream; to build things and have these tools at their disposal!”

The Ross Men’s Shed was started by David Moore, who said: “When we retire from work, it can be quite traumatic. Some men may feel that life no longer has a purpose, whereas in the past their expertise was in demand. Men’s Sheds give a purpose by providing male companionship in a community social setting, where we can interact with other men of a like mind, and can make, design and produce projects in metal and wood, and learn or teach new skills.”

David added: “We can also drink gallons of tea, crack jokes and verbally abuse each other, which is what men do!”

The ROWMS is a not-for-profit, community project for the benefit of the town and surrounding area, and only seek to cover their costs. They do not sell things, but request donations for what they make.

They are currently renovating a number of benches for the Ross Community Hospital and Alton Street Surgery, and are inviting projects from the community and individuals.

The Men’s Shed took over Unit 4 on the Ashburton Industrial Estate on March 8th, 2018, which is situated directly opposite Aqua Heat.

New members are always welcome; the only stipulation is that you must be over 55 years and either retired or semi-retired.See the full story in this week’s edition of the Ross Gazette, or subscribe to our online edition here