Local traders, especially those involved in barber shops, have reacted with outrage at the news that Morrisons has applied to Herefordshire Council for permission to install a new barber shop unit at the Station Street store.

Several have banded together to show Herefordshire Council the strength of feeling in the town about the planning application. Clare Bevan, who works at The Salon, said:?“People complain now about the amount of charity shops in Ross. If this gets agreed then probably a couple of salons will close leaving empty buildings. This means there could be even more charity shops or, even worse, just empty shops in the town.”

Among the many comments made on the Ross Gazette’s Facebook page Laura Ebert said:?“There are loads of barbers in town. Is there really a need for this?”

Angela Essex posted:?“ I really hope this isn’t allowed. Are they trying to put the nail in the high street.”

Mike Prince who runs his own barber shop business in Cantilupe Road for 27 years said:?“You accept that other hairdressers and barber shops open in town, this is fair competition, but Morrisons is a multi national company just being greedy. They may say they are filling a need, but the need is already being met, they will just put the independent traders out of business.”

See the full story in this week’s edition of the Ross Gazette, or subscribe to our online edition here

Residents have until August 22nd to comment on the plans and Herefordshire Council planners are expected to determine the proposals by September 10th.

To comment on application number P182639/F visit: www.herefordshire.gov.uk