Mike Prince, one of the barbers who fears his business will be affected if Morrisons are successful in a planning application for a pod to house a barber shop, has told the Ross Gazette that he is delighted at the support he has received from the local community.

Mike told the Gazette:?“Many people have signed our petition and have gone on line to the Herefordshire Council website to register their objections.”

He said that many of the owners of hairdressers and barber shops in the town have joined their campaign. He said they are aware that a petition will not be enough to persuade the council planning committee. They know they need to have lots of comments from individuals on the planning application online, so that they realise there is strength of feeling.

He added that many other local services are also concerned that allowing a barber shop in a supermarket will cut the footfall into the town centre.

Residents had until August 22nd to comment on the plans (P182639/F) at www.herefordshire.gov.uk and Herefordshire Council planners are expected to determine the proposals by September 10th.See this week’s paper for more stories like this, available in shops and as a Digital Edition now.