Proposals to improve the pedestrian safety near to the A40 Wilton Roundabout were discussed at the meeting of Ross Town Council on Monday, March 13th.

Highways England currently have a consultation, and it has been proposed that a 40mph speed limit be implemented and a toucan crossing installed near to the roundabout.

During the meeting, Councillor Phil Cutter said he thought the Town Council should fully support the proposals if they could reduce possible accidents.

He added that not everyone owns a car, and it can be extremely dangerous for residents to cross the road between Bridstow and Ross-on-Wye.

Cllr Jane Roberts also thought the council should support the proposals, and she added that Bridstow Parish Council should be congratulated in their hard work for campaigning for better pedestrian safety.

Cllr Jenny Hyde added: “Bridstow Parish Council have fought for this for a long time.”

The Ross Town Councillors voted unanimously to support the application. Cllr Daniel Lister suggested that the Town Council also send a letter to Bridstow Parish Council, thanking them for all their hard work.