WALKERS who regularly use public rights of way footpaths in the area are being asked to look out for improvements that may be needed.

Funding for this initiative, totalling £250,000 has been provided by Herefordshire Council and is being made available to town and parish councils for the replacement of public rights of way assets such as stiles, finger posts and gates.

The scheme, which will be implemented through the town and parish council’s lengthsmen (local people employed to do minor maintenance work), will also fund bespoke items such as rails and maintenance work.

Maintaining this network is important so that residents and visitors can access and enjoy the countryside.

Part of this funding will additionally help local communities improve sections of their local public rights of way network which, for various reasons, may have become inaccessible to some users.

The announcement by the local authority coincides with national Walking Month, which promotes the benefits of walking for physical health, mental wellbeing, and enjoying the fresh air outdoors.

If there is an improvement you would like to see on a public rights of way network, contact the local parish or town council for your area, details of which can be found on Herefordshire Council’s website.

You can walk on all public rights of way, generally marked with signs or coloured arrows. However, some public rights of way are also open to horse riders, cyclists and even motorists.