There will be a public meeting of the Ross Neighburhood Plan Steering Group and its associated Working Groups at 7pm tonight (Thursday, May 25th) at the Larruperz Centre. It is open to all.
The text (the maps and illustrations have yet to be added) of the first draft Plan has been positively reviewed by Herefordshire Council officers, so a revised draft now includes some of their suggestions for improvement and prompts where more work remains to be done.
As reported at the recent Town Meeting, land allocation for any replacement school that Herefordshire Council officers might propose, and of housing and employment land, still remains somewhat open.
The uncertainties around these will have to be addressed before the Plan can be finalised, but the hope is that a near-complete version will be available for initial public feedback by the time of the Ross Carnival weekend.
It would be appreciated if notice of intent to attend could be given by email to [email protected]; by message on Facebook @RoWNdP; or by phone to Melvin Reynolds at 01989 763120.