Herefordshire residents will have to pay more towards their council tax bill from April as councillors approved a 3.9 per cent rise last week.

This means an average band D property owner will be expected to pay an extra £59.28 a year towards the running of council


The Conservative group attempted to reduce the above-inflation increase to 2.9 per cent and gained the support of the Liberal Democrats but this was rejected by Herefordshire Independents, It’s Our County and Green Party councillors.

Conservative group deputy leader Nigel Shaw, who proposed the reduction, said: “The annual cost of this will be approximately £1m, the new homes bonus allocated in the government settlement of £2m will fund the reduction for the next two years.

“We are aware that with inflation at 1.3 per cent asking council taxpayers to find 3.9 per cent is seen by many as unreasonable.

“With an unexpectedly high new homes bonus this year there is the opportunity for the council to be responsive to the taxpayer by reducing the council tax increase.”

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