WEST Mercia Police are focusing on improving its performance around key areas such as the 999 service.

Action has already been taken to prevent people being killed or seriously injured on West Mercia’s roads, says the area’s Police Crime Commissioner John Campion who recently held a formal meeting with temporary Chief Constable, Alex Murray.

The commissioner sought reassurance that West Mercia Police is delivering a high-quality service from the force that both he and the public expect.

The 999-call handling service was put under the spotlight after an increase in demand earlier this year, which led to a decrease in performance.

Another key area of focus at the meeting was the measures being taken to ensure that the public remains safe on West Mercia’s roads, part of the commissioner’s mission to build a safer West Mercia.

Mr Campion said: “As the voice of the public in policing, a central part of my role is to ensure that the force is delivering a high-quality service to the communities of West Mercia.

“However, it’s also clear that in some areas, continued improvement and focus is needed to ensure the public feel confident that their police force will deliver the service they need and deserve.

“I will continue to support and challenge the chief constable to achieve this to build a safer West Mercia.”