WEST Mercia police are developing a new police and crime plan to reflect the priorities of the local community.  

Police and crime commissioner, John Campion, is calling on the local council in Ross-on-Wye to provide input to shape policing in the area. 

The commissioner has set up an annual survey where he is encouraging town and parish councils to give feedback on local policing, share concerns and identify what improvements they would like to see in their area.  

Most councils in the area have already expressed a desire for an improvement in police visibility. 

Over the last year, Mr Campion has increased the numbers of police officers and introduced ten dedicated town centre policing teams across the region and is now looking to further increase localised policing. 

Mr Campion said: “I believe it’s vitally important that organisations imbedded in their community, who have a deep understanding of local concerns, are listened to.” 

“That’s why I am calling on town and parish councils to complete my survey so I can ensure their views help shape the future of policing in West Mercia.” 

“It’s through valuable input from councils, residents, partners and the force, I will be able to create a police and crime plan that puts at its heart, the priorities of local communities across the three counties.”