Committed to ensuring West Mercia Police improves its response to serious and organised crime, Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion will be holding a formal meeting with the T/CC following the HMICFRS Inspection report on the response to serious and organised crime.


To ensure the recommendations within the report are being implemented and progressed, the PCC will be holding an Assurance & Accountability meeting with the T/CC on Tuesday 16 July.


The meeting will focus on reviewing activity, the need to improve strategic partnership working and how the force use information to tackle and prevent serious and organised crime, as presented within the recommendations set out by the HMICFRS.


Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: “I am deeply disappointed by the force’s inadequate rating and matched with the public’s concerns, action is needed to address serious and organised crime in West Mercia.


“I am, though, confident significant progress is being made to deliver the required improvements for the benefits of the communities in West Mercia.


“This meeting will provide a further opportunity for me to scrutinise the force’s progress to ensure the recommendations are being effectively implemented, whilst delivering significant improvements to its overall response to serious and organised crime.


“As PCC, it is vital I ensure that the public are safe and feel safe and I am committed to making improvements through continued focus and by providing the force with the tools and resources it needs to tackle serious and organised crime.”