PATRICIA Johnson, the training co-ordinator for the Herefordshire branch of SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity has been presented with a top award.

The Sir James Gildea Awards were created to recognise the staff – voluntary and paid – for their exceptional contributions and commitment to SSAFA’s activities and values.

Patricia, who now lives in Dymock, following her career as a teacher and that of her late husband in the Royal Air Force – with many moves associated with his work – and their retirement after more than 30 years of service.

Patricia said: ”I first volunteered for SSAFA in 2000 as I wanted something meaningful to do. With my background in the RAF, a military charity seemed the obvious choice with my background in the forces, and I became a caseworker supporting serving and former Forces’ personnel, and their families with challenges they faced.

“I later took on the roles of training and recruiting for the Herefordshire Branch - a large, mainly rural county with a very low population density. This was crucial for new volunteers, making them feel that they are part of a team and not working in isolation.”

Reflecting on her award, which was presented by Prince Michael of Kent, Patricia comments: “I’m honoured to get this award not just for myself but for the Herefordshire Branch, which has always been completely supportive in whatever I’ve done.

 “Volunteering with SSAFA, and working with dedicated members of our team, has been a most rewarding experience and one that I’ve enjoyed immensely.”