JOHN Kyrle High School and Sixth Form Centre has been graded as ‘Good’ in all areas following its recent inspection by Ofsted.
This is the first inspection for the Ross-on Wye school since Julian Morgan took over as headteacher in September 2022.
The report highlights the ‘Significant changes and improvements since the previous inspection’ with school leaders having ‘Established an ambitious and inclusive vision for the school’.
The report also acknowledges that “Pupils and staff are justifiably proud of the welcoming and friendly culture at John Kyrle High.”
Lead inspector Nicola Beech noted that the school, which joined the Heart of Mercia Multi-academy Trust in September 2023, has high behaviour expectations with pupils moving calmly around site.
She added: “The new leadership team have established an ambitious and inclusive vision for the school. There is a clear understanding of what needs to improve. Important changes have been made to improve the quality of education, as well as other areas.”
The inspector also noted that it ‘actively demonstrating the school’s value of respect in their interactions and conduct’ and said that pupils benefit from the strong subject expertise of teachers in all subjects.
The inspector observed that the school’s high expectations of behaviour and attendance were understood by all with a reduction in the number of incidents of poor behaviour being recorded.
The school has broadened the curriculum with pupils able to choose subjects to suit their career aspirations, such as construction and criminology.
Pupils benefit from “strong subject expertise of teachers in all subjects” and gain valuable skills and experiences through the ‘Respect curriculum’ and extra-curricular activities.
Ms Beach commented on ‘excellent outcomes in a number of key stage five subjects’ with impressive destinations which were noted as attributed in part to the strength of careers guidance and support.

Chairman of the local governing body Paul Deneen said: “It is a real pleasure to play a part in the school’s journey, for the community this is a celebration, a cloud has been lifted. Huge credit to the team for their hard work and dedication.”
Peter Cooper, chief executive of the Heart of Mercia MAT said: “I am delighted for the staff, the pupils and all those who have worked so hard to get John Kyrle back at a really high level of performance and once again at the centre of the community.”
Julian Morgan, headteacher, said: “We are very proud of this report, and it represents an important milestone for us.
“As a school we are hungry for the next phase of our journey, and we will work tirelessly to continue to make John Kyrle High School and Sixth Form Centre the absolute pride of our town.”
The report concludes: “There is an absolute commitment to seeing the school and its pupils thrive.”