RESIDENTS of Weston under Penyard are anxious over the flooding risk in light of new homes that have yet to be built and pedestrian safety fears with the A40.

Lagan Homes, have applied to build 44 properties on the meadow above the A40 at the eastern end of Weston under Penyard.

As the hillside has a stream and retaining ponds above the proposed site, there are flooding issues raised by the local flood authority in Hereford which residents believe still have to be addressed

The residents, who declined to be named said that it was not just a matter of protecting the new houses from flooding, by raising floor levels or moving the buildings out of the path of the watercourses, but also the potential for exacerbating surface water flooding by building so many houses on that hillside.

It was pointed out that given the frequency of heavy rain and the damage it does to the meadow and the neighbouring roads, flooding has been an ongoing problem which has become a major issue ever since the planning application was made.

Aside from the flooding, residents are concerned for the safety of pedestrians as the site is located next to the A40.

In Herefordshire Council’s Planning Committee report of September 2, 2015 the previously approved application for this site stated that ‘A controlled crossing would be provided at the south-western end of the site across the A40’. This would give safe access to bus stops, recreation field, school and Church.

This proposal is not now in the revised plan but is deemed essential for safety by so many.

The developer states that the proposed development involves the redevelopment of the site from its grassland and woodland use to a residential land-use with 44 new dwellings, highways, associated parking, private gardens and public open space including a proposed attenuation basin to counteract flooding issues and enhancement of the existing pond.