A magical show for all the family, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs at Malvern stars the legendary Su Pollard as the Wicked Queen, alongside Francesca McKean as Snow White, Aiden Banyard as the Prince, Philip Meeks as Nursie and back by popular demand is comedy star Mark James as the loveable Muddles.
This year’s show has won praise from reviewers who said the show is back to its usual high standard and they particularly enjoyed the rendition of the 12 Days of Christmas which was performed by four of the cast. As the days went by they got more and more manic. As you would expect, the Wicked Queen gets all the boos and hisses from the audience whilst the Knight in shining armour and Snow White get to show their vocal prowess to great effect.
So it’s off to Malvern Theatres panto you should go before January 6th. To book either go online at www.malvern-theatres.co.uk or telephone the Box Office on 01684 892277.