Ross Community Litter Clean Up Crew members are really pleased that despite the dreary January weather, a good cross section of the general public are still keen to keep Ross-on-Wye tidy.

They collected litter from the grounds of Ross Community Hospital, as well as picking litter from the surrounding streets and footpaths on January 19th. Everyone was pleased to find less litter than on previous visits with just five full bags of litter collected.

Last Sunday saw the group litter picking from the housing estate opposite Brampton School through to the front entrance of John Kyrle High School. Sadly no real improvement was noticed in this area with 14 bags of litter collected.

RCLCUC’s next organised litter pick will be on Sunday, February 9th meeting at 10.00am outside the St Michael’s Hospice Shop on the Alton Road Industrial Estate to litter pick the surrounding area. Anyone is welcome to join in and all equipment will be provided.

Follow the group on social media or email Anne - [email protected] or phone/text 07771521639 for more information.