AN historic Grade II listed building, which has been destructively remodelled over the centuries, can be redeveloped for use in the 21st Century.
St Mary’s Cottage, the only residential property in Church Row, has St Mary’s Church Hall to its left and Thrings the solicitors on its right. Both buildings are of a similar age, and lookout onto St Mary’s Churchyard.
Isabel Gill states that she hopes to bring it back to life and reinstate some of its architectural features. She said the cottage is in a bad state internally and it has had no significance work carried out on it for a long time.
Ms Gill explained in her application that the walls are covered in concrete render causing damp problems by not allowing the stone to breath. She adds that all architectural detailing has been removed, except for the staircase that has been poorly altered over the years.
Herefordshire planning officer Josh Bailey said that the owner has a clear understanding of what is needed in bringing the building back into use and observed the proposed renovation is “proportionate to the assets’ importance”.
Mr Bailey added: “The proposed works would clearly contribute to the preservation of the building and are not considered to be detrimental to its significance.
“It would not result in the unjustified loss of any historic fabric. The proposal suggests the uses of appropriate materials and methods of construction which are compatible with the character and construction of this listed building.
“The scheme has high regard to the historic layout of the listed building and other internal features of significance. Listed building consent should therefore be granted.”
Ms Gill said that there would be some remodelling of the internal layout with the introduction of additional roof lights.
The cellar would also become a habitable space, with a limecrete sub-floor, on top of which the existing flagstones will be re-laid.