Dear Editor,

With reference to the front page report, (The Ross Gazette August 1st) about the Cawdor Arch, your readers might be interested to have some details about Cawdor and how it was in the 1940s.

My parents were tenants at the Game Cock Inn on Brampton Street in the 1940s, so we were very close to Cawdor, with adjoining back gardens. In those times it was one of the ’posh’ areas of Ross, and most of the residents were middle class and professional – solicitors, estate agents, teachers, and the like.

I remember them very well because they knew my parents, Tom and Mabs Jones, and some were customers at the Game Cock. We also visited them in the afternoons when the Pub was closed.

I wasn’t very old, but I remember those times very well – as though they were yesterday.

Furthermore, there is a reference to Cawdor in Macbeth. The second witch describes Macbeth as ’the thane of Cawdor’ – which is a rank a little below nobleman.

Michael Jones, Gloucester