A much-loved, well-used village hall faces closure, unless members of the community come forward to help keep it going.

Bridstow Village Hall has recently lost three of its six volunteers, due to personal circumstances and family illness. Val Davies, the Bridstow Village Hall Secretary told the Ross Gazette: “This leaves the running of the hall almost untenable, and so it faces closure unless others in the community are willing to come forward and help.”

The village hall, which is more than 30 years old, is used on a regular basis by many groups local to Ross-on-Wye, some of these include, the Guides, Brownies and Rainbows, the WI, a Spin Class, a dance club, and more. The hall is also used for the meetings of Bridstow Parish Council, and many local families hire the hall for parties throughout the year. “It would be such a shame if all of this were to stop,” Val said.

The Ross Gazette paid a visit to the village hall on Wednesday, May 11th, and met with members of the Peterstow WI who were rehearsing for a murder-mystery play entitled ‘Deadlier Still,’ which they will perform to other local WI groups, at Bridstow Village Hall today, Wednesday, May 18th. It will be the turn of Peterstow WI to host an annual group tea, where they will entertain the other six WI groups, local to Ross-on-Wye.

The WI is just one of many local groups that love using their village hall.

Val told the Gazette: “I am wondering if it only Bridstow which is experiencing problems getting volunteers, I suspect not. It seems those that volunteer do so for a variety of organisations. People are obviously busy, but unless more of us give to the community the quality of life will diminish in our beautiful county.”

If you can help out at the village hall, by volunteering your time, please get in contact with Val Davies by calling 01989 762086.