A TRUST has agreed to alter the historical route of a canal, which later became a railway line before being filled in, so that Newent Town AFC can expand.

The current route for the proposed reinstatement of the Herefordshire and Gloucestershire Canal passes through the grounds of the football club. The Canal Trust initially objected to the expansion scheme and requested alterations to accommodate the reinstatement of the canal route across the site.

A meeting was held between representatives of the Canal Trust and the Forest of Dean District Council regarding the route’s future installation in relation to the football club’s proposal.

And due to existing onsite obstacles, a new canal route was put forward which would entail the proposal as submitted would have to be amended to accommodate the future installation of the canal route.

The updated site plans were adapted accordingly to facilitate the amended installation of the canal route as suggested by the Canal Trust enabling it to withdraw its objection allowing the football club to build new changing rooms, a fitness room and create two youth pitches.

The line of the canal is protected on local authority plans in both Herefordshire and Gloucestershire so that developers are prevented on building on the land.

The Hereford and Gloucester Canal follows an almost entirely rural course for 34 miles and includes Dymock and Windcross before it arrives at Ledbury.