WITH a reduction of 26 per cent in hate crime offences seen in West Mercia over the past 12 months, the Police and Crime Commissioner has provided an additional £54,000 worth of investment into Victim Support’s Hate Crime Engagement and Awareness Project until March next year.

The ‘i am ME!’ project - initially launched in October 2022 – aims to make the public aware of the devastating impact that hate crime can have on victims and survivors.

Over the past year, this has been achieved with 34 awareness and training sessions being delivered into the heart of communities across the area, with almost 400 members of the public actively engaging to better understand the role they play in tackling hate crime.

The impact of the project’s work continues to be felt across Herefordshire as the county has seen the largest decrease in hate crime offences at 37 per cent, demonstrating more people are becoming a part of the change to make others feel safe in their communities.

Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion said: “By ensuring this project continues into 2025, awareness of the impact hate crime has on its victims and the education members of the public will continue to undertake will progress, as well as more people feeling valued and empowered to report hate crimes to West Mercia Police.”