FORESTRY England will begin tree felling operations at Chase Wood in Ross-on-Wye next month that will continue throughout the year.

Initially some oak will be felled to form ride side glades along the grass ride, this will provide wildlife habitat and help to link existing habitats in line with the Forest Plan.

Later in the year some young Corsican Pine will be thinned to allow space for the remaining trees to develop towards maturity.

Regular visitors to Chase Wood may have noticed orange dots on the trees, this indicates the trees that are to be removed.

Dave Sykes, Herefordshire beat forester for Forestry England said: “Harvesting contracts can sometimes be quite drawn out and work may stop for some time due to the many constraints that we have to work around.

“The work will be carried out in such a way to minimise inconvenience to all site users. Before any forestry work is started, ecological surveys are carried out to check for species such as birds, mammals, rodents, invertebrates and native plants such as bluebells and fungi.

“While working, wildlife checks will continue and works will be adapted, paused or suspended if any animal or flora that must be protected is found.”

Some work will be carried out during the bird nesting season to avoid impact on the dormouse population. However legal boundaries around Schedule one nesting birds, will be maintained.

Throughout the year there will be large machinery, lorries and people working in the woods and stacked timber at roadside.

Existing timber extraction routes will be used and once works are complete, and conditions are suitable, reinstatement works will be carried out to make good any rutting caused by machines as far as practically possible.

Timber lorries will be exiting the area onto Walford Road to transport the timber to local sawmills.

The major restriction for local walkers will be around car parking close to Hill Farm, as lorries need to get around the tight bend on the forest road. No parking signs will be displayed to prevent road blockage and to maintain access to Hill Farm for resident’s vehicles.

Public access to the woods will only be restricted close to where works are ongoing and access on footpaths will be maintained. It is important to read safety signage and adhere to its request.

The timber produced by this operation will go into sawn timber, fencing, pallet making, wood panel manufacture and firewood.

Even the bark, wood shavings and sawdust are used. Nothing is wasted. Wood is one of our most sustainable materials. It is a low-carbon alternative to materials such as plastic, concrete and steel, and is often reused or recycled again and again. Some crown wood will be left on site as wildlife habitat for invertebrates and fungi.

Forestry England are the country’s largest supplier of sustainable timber grown in England. Well managed forests support more wildlife, and harvesting trees is an important part of a sustainable forest lifecycle.