Talented young artist George Carmichael from John Kyrle High School has dedicated hours to crafting a new masterpiece, a portrait of the Joker as portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix. This follows his, widely praised work last year, depicting Vegeta, a Dragon Ball Z character.
George Carmichael, a Year 8 pupil, spent an estimated 14 to 15 hours over six days to complete the painting.
George said: “I was inspired to create this piece of The Joker, played by Joaquin Phoenix. This piece was split up over six days, taking an estimated 14 to 15 hours! I used acrylic and oil paints to create it, with a loss of one paint brush - I dropped it down the sink. I enjoyed painting his face the most, but his face was also the hardest thing to paint. I plan to paint another version of The Joker next, played by Heath Ledger – he’s my favourite!”
The artist’s commitment to his craft is not new. Last year, George, then in Year 7, created a Dragon Ball Z tribute of Vegeta in his “God of Destruction” form. George aspires to draw anime professionally after graduation, although he acknowledges the challenges of breaking into the Japanese and South Korean markets.
The 2019 film “Joker” was directed by Todd Phillips, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Scott Silver. Joaquin Phoenix stars as the Joker, a failed clown and aspiring stand-up comic who spirals into mental illness. The film received an R rating from the Motion Picture Association and was produced by Warner Bros. Pictures and DC Films, among others.