HUNDREDS of people attended Garway’s Fun Day in which the village turned out to support the fund-raising efforts to help purchase a school minibus.
Visitors to the successful afternoon on Garway Common were entertained by a talented brass ensemble, a local singing group and several star turns on the open mic.
Over the years the event day has gained a reputation for being a very special event and people come from villages round about.
This year local farmers also displayed their tractors with a run around the common. The dog show was very popular with very many dogs being entered into the various classes.

The competition tent was very popular with local rivalry for the best ‘Victoria Sandwich’ and longest runner bean being fought.
Children were able to participate in a plethora of activities from a sand pit to cress craft to age-appropriate races and a unique gymkhana featuring a hobby horses.
A new feature for the Fun Day was the inclusion of a giant inflatable football, which proved to be very popular.

And along with a variety of stalls and the weather being kind to the organisers, enabled visitors to enjoy the afternoon tasting food from the barbecue and local ice cream sellers, while the tea tent proved to be very popular as it also had a large array of cakes.
Organiser Sue Thomas confirmed that the Fun Day had raised approximately £2,300 which will be used towards the purchase of a minibus for Garway Primary School.