Herefordshire Council planners approved proposals for a new eight house estate on land north of Ivy Cottage last month. But dozens of residents objected to the proposals and fear the extra traffic will damage the nearby common due to vehicles passing each other on the 2.9m wide road.
Residents also say they are disappointed that councillors did not visit the site before deciding on it and felt their expertise and views were ignored.
Les Watson, convener of the Broadoak and Garway Village Commoners, said: “It’s a tragedy. There was no discussion about the issues we raised, and the overall discussion was very superficial. It leaves them with not having addressed issues like the road itself where it crosses the common and potential damage to it and about the drainage.
“They are driving the coach and horses through local democracy and the insistence on housing numbers is suffocating local wishes.”
A Herefordshire Council spokesperson said: “Once Herefordshire Council receives a planning application, the proposal is publicised so the community has a chance to express their views.
“The formal consultation period normally lasts for 21 days; anyone may comment on a planning application during this period and comments will be taken into account to enable the council’s planning committee to make a robust decision on the application. Planning application P173224/F was subject to the formal consultation processes and the views and concerns of the local community were set out in the report to the committee.
“The concerns regarding traffic generation formed part of the councillors’ consideration, but in the absence of an objection from the transportation manager or evidence to suggest that there would be highway safety implications, it was concluded that the local road network could safely accommodate the additional traffic.”
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