Flood water has been and is still causing enormous problems for some residents in Ross, especially those in Homs Road, and the river is expected to peak this morning at a record breaking level of 5.3m.
The highest level ever recorded was 4.77m in October last year.
The entrance to the RopeWalk is under water and the car park surrounding the Swimming pool is submerged.
A spokesperson for the Halo Leisure Centre told the Gazette they are still open at the moment, 10.30 am on Monday, February 17th.
Wye Street is completely closed and is under water and volunteers at Ross Sport Centre are concern that rising water will enter the club house.
West Mercia Police have issued a list of key accounts for flooding updates.
For #Herefordshire flooding updates you can follow this list of key accounts ?? https://twitter.com/i/lists/1229350717795766273