A FASHION show is being staged in Ross-on-Wye to financially help a charity which supports families who have tragically lost a young loved one in a road traffic collision.

The proceeds from the event at the Gateway Cinema at the Labels store on Friday, October 4, will be donated to the Ely Memorial Fund which supports the Herefordshire relatives of a young person, aged between 17 and 25 who died following a road traffic collision.

Ange Tyler explained that the Ely Memorial Fund was set up in memory of her daughter Emma Louise Young who tragically lost her life in September 2010 in a road traffic collision.

“She was just 23 and our only daughter. Our shining light went out that night changing our lives forever,” said Ange.

“Trying to arrange your child’s funeral in the days after their death is devasting and incomprehensible.

“Ours was also complicated because Emma had died without leaving a will to say what her wishes were in the event of her death.

“Consequently, we didn’t have sufficient monies to pay for her funeral. What is money when your whole world has been turned upside down. Thankfully Emma’s Nan helped us to pay for her beautiful funeral and for that we will always be eternally grateful.

“This is the sole purpose of the Ely memorial fund – the letters of the fund represent her name Emma Louise Young - and it will offer a one-off payment towards funeral costs for families in Herefordshire if they lose a son or daughter between the ages of 17 and 25 in a road traffic accident.

“The memorial fund provide not only provides financial support, it will also help bereaved families by offering advice where it is needed.”

Ange said that she was always looking for fundraising opportunities and welcomes the fashion show initiative being staged in Ross in October by Labels using its own fashion lines.

She added: “The fund is well known throughout Herefordshire, but less so in its market towns like Ross. It is hoped that this fashion show will raise our profile locally in Ross and surrounding rural villages.”

After the Ely Memorial Fund had financially helped Diana Wood and her family out following the death of her 19-year-old son in 2014, she became interested in the organisation and decided to join the team.

Diana said: “The Ely Memorial Fund helped with Tom’s funeral expenses, and I felt afterwards that I wanted to jump on board and give something back and so I became a trustee.

“And now that I am retired, I felt I still have a lot to give and chose to help the memorial fund and have since became a director of the fund and help out wherever I can.

“I also help out with the road safety programme to help prevent other families going through what we’ve both been through.I believe we are making something positive out of the tragic circumstances we found ourselves in.”

The Ely Memorial Fund is also embarking on a series of Young Driver Education events.

Ange said: “We are committed to preventing future tragedies by educating young drivers aged 14 to 17 through our young driver experience events.

“These programs equip young people with vital road safety skills and awareness with the aim of reducing collisions on our roads. Together, and in collaboration with likeminded charities, we strive to support families in their darkest moments and work towards creating safer roads for everyone.

Tickets for the Fashion Show, featuring the must-have looks of the season,  which starts at 6.15pm, are priced at £12.50 are available from thegatewaycinema.co.uk/movie/fashion-show.

● For more information on the charity visit ely-memorial-fund.org.uk.