HELL’S Bells are set to ring out loud and clear when they return to Monmouth's Blake Theatre tomorrow (Friday, March 14) with their raucous AC/DC show.

They are Europe's longest established AC/DC Tribute Band, having performed all over the UK as well as Portugal, Austria, Russia, Belgium, Czech Republic and the Middle East since 1996.

Don Airey who has played with Ozzy Osbourne, Deep Purple and Rainbow says: "Never go on after Hell's Bell, they're lethal!"

So get set for a night of headbang heaven to the likes of Highway To Hell, You Shook Me All Night, Dirty Deeds Done Cheap, Whole Lotta Rosie, Back in Black, Let There Be Rock and Thunderstruck.

Tickets are £21 (£18 conc) from the Blake box office or via www.theblaketheatre.org and the show starts at 7.30pm.