Former pupil of John Kyrle High School in Ross, Dexter Churchus, has released their first board game for sale.

“Flip, Switch and Roll” produced by Word of Mouth Games received positive reviews at this year’s UK Games Expo, and there have been a high number of pre-release sales.

Dexter commented that ‘It’s taken a lot of hard work to get to this stage.

He said: “I’m a Board game addict and playing countless games has turned my hobby into an obsession. Now I want to create games to introduce new and exciting game play mechanics to the world. Flip, Switch and Roll is our first publication and showcases our innovative approach to game designs. Our next game has already been designed and is due for publication next year.”

Flip, Switch and Roll is a dice and card game where 2‒8 players are competing to match number cards with the dice in front of them. To win, players must use switch cards to change the dice or sabotage other players, adding chaos to any family gathering or board game night.

Ideal for families and board game addicts, the game is available from retailers and online for £18.99 at