Ashfield Park Primary School thoroughly enjoyed their Healthy Lifestyle Week, which took place earlier this month. The children and staff were allowed to abandon their school clothes and come to school in their sports outfits to get really engaged with keeping fit.
The idea of the week was to get the children out of the classroom as much as possible, and involve them in a variety of sporting activities and enable them to explore the outdoor environment.
To start every day all seven year groups (approximately 300 pupils) gathered on the playground to exercise to music – gradually each morning these got more physically challenging, and the staff fitness levels certainly improved.
Two of the year groups went on educational day trips – Year 3 to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm near Bristol where they relished seeing a range of animals from around the world, and Year 2 to Barry Island where they constructed sand castles and enjoyed the pleasures of paddling in the sea. Over three of the days, Years 5 and 6 took part in Forest School activities, which involved investigating wildlife in the River Wye near Ross Rowing Club and appreciating the coolness of the river water during such a hot week. Back in school, Year 4 turned their attention to healthy eating, and they were delighted to make pizzas from scratch, with the aim to get all the children engaged with cooking and eating a greater variety of vegetables.
On Wednesday all Year 5 and 6 pupils brought in their bicycles and scooters to take part in a five mile cycle challenge on the school field, followed by some competitive bike races.
This was a good reminder to the pupils that cycling is great exercise and an efficient way to get to school. The week culminated in sports day. The pupils really engaged with sport and were determined to do well, and at the same time have fun with their friends.
To see lots more pictures, please see this week’s edition of the Ross Gazette, or subscribe to our online edition here.