As well as having the privilege of being the Headteacher of John Kyrle High School, I am also the proud father to three pretty amazing human beings.  

My middle daughter is 18 and we have just made the journey to take her away to University where she will study to be a mechanical engineer. What a mix of emotions! Pride in her achievements so far and excitement for her future, but also genuine sadness that I won’t be able to see her every day. I’m even missing her bedroom being untidy. 

One of the guiding principles I hold close to my heart is the steadfast view that in our Public Service as educators, we must accept nothing less than we would expect aspire to for our own children. This is really relevant this term as many local families make the big decision about where to send their children to Secondary School. The next five or seven years will go so quickly for us all and the next step is an important one. It’s a big choice. We’ll open our doors and our hearts over the coming weeks to you all to come and see us in action, ask questions and talk to us. Don’t take my word for it, come and see what’s happening here in person.  has more details. 

We’re looking forward to welcoming you into the John Kyrle High School family. I promise it will be tidier than a teenager’s bedroom. 

Julian Morgan, JKHS Headteacher