PUPILS at Gorsley Goffs Primary School, Ross-on-Wye, have been celebrating British Science Week.

The nationwide theme has been exploration and discovery. Did you know the greatest discovery in 2018 so far is a robot in Japan that can think and feel? So at Gorsley Goffs they decided to explore all about robots.

They split into Key Stages and then into house groups. Over two days they completed a circuit of activities, which included making a junk model of a robot, designing a robot on the laptops, making a robotic hand and programming Lego to move by itself.

The pupils and staff were very pleased to welcome Simon Clarke, a STEM ambassador from EDF energy, during the week. After speaking in assembly he showed them lots of different robots and how to make one.

Miss Fair, Science Lead at Gorsley Goffs told the Ross Gazette, “Everyone enjoyed the events and lots of the children have decided they want to pursue a career in science.”