As part of the Wye Valley Learning Network (WVLN), local primary schools have had the exciting opportunity to take part in a day all about ‘Our Wonderful World.”

On Friday, January 26th, five primary schools, Lea, Gorsley Goffs, Weston-under-Penyard, Goodrich and Whitchurch, got together to explore how various faiths celebrate and worship the environment.

Reception pupils learned about Hinduism at Lea; years one and two studied Buddhism at Gorsley Goffs; year three pupils studied Sikhism at Weston; years four and five studied Humanism at Whitchurch, and year six pupils studied Islam at Goodrich.

There were over 600 children involved in the day, and it gave students an opportunity to visit other schools, work with different children of the same age, and meet other teachers and specialist providers of workshops through a variety of media.

At Goodrich C of E Primary School, year six pupils learned about the faith and culture of Islam, and how they worship the environment. The first activity was Mendi art. The pupils used templates to draw design ideas onto paper first, before putting on clear gloves so that they could draw onto their hands.

The second activity was drawing geometric patterns, manipulating shapes, which they then coloured in. Pupils told the Ross Gazette that this was “very difficult!”

The third activity was led by guest Razwan Ul-Haq who taught the children caligraphy art linked in with the Islamic faith.

The first half of this session was design drawing, and in the second half, Raz taught the pupils how to use the caligraphy pens. Pupils used two sheets of paper to draw on their designs.

Raz told the pupils how this is spiritual art and got them to draw in quiet concentration, and dimmed the lights.

The activities rotated so that every pupil got a chance to participate in every session.

At Lea C of E Primary School, the Reception classes learned about the culture and faith of Hinduism. They started with an interactive telling of the Hindu Creation Story, led by teacher Helen Fursdon in the main hall.

In the second session, reception pupils were learning about the Festival of Holi, a Spring festival also known as the ‘festival of colours’ or the ‘festival of love.’ Pupils coloured in pictures of themselves and took it in turns to throw tea bags full of paint at black paper on the wall outside, simulating the paint that is thrown at one another during the Festival of Holi - but much less messy.

The third activity was led by guest workshop teacher Bharti Tailor, who was invited to teach the children about Rangoli patterns, and worship.